People often underestimate the power of a good conversation. Men somehow prefer to approach girls with cheesy pickup lines. But it would be much simpler to just start a tête-à-tête with her. You will create a perfect image if you manage to keep the conversation going long enough. Moreover, you will have a chance to demonstrate the feature Russian girls value the most – your intelligence.

But there’s a catch – just as any females in the world, Russian girls have their peculiarities related to communication. In this article, we are going to discuss how to chat with a Russian girl successfully. We will also mention some topics that should and shouldn’t appear during your conversation.


1. Be the first to talk

In Russia, the question of the first move in relationships between men and women is answered rather precisely – men should be the one who initiates the whole thing. Start a conversation with something simple yet interesting, try to find something you both appreciate and focus your attention on it. You see, Russian women are not really into small talks. Yes, they like to talk for a while but it should be a meaningful conversation.

2. Don’t get too intimate

People often try to reveal as much as possible if they are trying to woo someone. Unfortunately, it’s not going to work with a Slavic girl as they pay respect to their privacy and the privacy of others. You will make her feel uncomfortable if you start talking about your psychological traumas and family issue. Vice versa, she won’t be very pleased if you ask her about her deep feelings. You will have a chance to discuss it after you build the emotional connection.

3. Be a good listener and a good talker

We don’t know where it comes from but men are assured that women just need to talk, speak out their emotions and feelings to relax and harmonize themselves. It does not work like this. Women need a good interlocutor to discuss their problems or just talk – because human communication is our greatest treasure. You shouldn’t just stand there silently nodding while she’s trying to chat you up. It demonstrates the absence of interest and spark between you two.

Here are some topics you should discuss:

  • Pets. Totally appropriate, simple, and entertaining – cats and dogs make a great conversational topic. It’s adorable, positive, and easy. Even if she eventually lost her beloved pet, you will have a chance to comfort her and exchange experience, which will help you from an emotional bond.
  • Art. Even if you like radically different types of art, different époques, and authors, you still have a chance to have a lot of fun discussing and telling about your favorite pieces of art. Just don’t get to focused on your tastes and try to understand why she prefers other representatives.
  • Russian culture. Of course, girls from Russia love to talk about their culture – and for a good reason. Russia managed to maintain ethnic identity and didn’t lose itself among other globalized cultures. Ask her about national cuisine, music, dancing, cultural peculiarities etc.

And here are some topics you should better omit:

  • Religion. Unfortunately, religion and beliefs have been one of the main reasons of wars and conflicts throughout the centuries. Same here – it may become an argument instead of an interesting topic. Leave it for later. You will have a chance to discuss it diligently afterward.
  • Politics. Russian has gone through serious political changes in the last century. In the minds of Russian people, politics is something everyone should be involved in and concerned about. Don’t wake a sleeping lion.
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