In every man’s life, there comes a time when he wants to enjoy sex often changing partners. But where to find them – women for one night? Actually, there are a lot of places. But the most important thing is that this place should have a relaxed atmosphere and, most importantly, exclude frequent casual encounters with a former “casual partner”. So, let’s consider all the nuances of casual sex dating.

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Sex dating: how does it work?

Sex without obligations is a great idea for a man and a woman – in percentage terms it’s about 70% to 30%. Yes, sex dating and relationships can exist separately. But like any other idea, it must be correctly implemented into reality. There are a lot of methods that allow you to quickly start a one-time intimate relationship. But it’s not as simple as it might seem. Nothing will come of it without wit and inner confidence in your luck.

So, the most suitable places to meet a woman for sex and dating:

  • nightclubs;
  • bars;
  • home parties;
  • mass birthdays;
  • weddings.

Of course, is much easier to get a partner for one night at one of these places than walking in a park in an attempt to find a girl for sex. You have to know that beautiful creatures that come late at night to bars or nightclubs are in search of sex. Despite the great competition, there are much more opportunities for choice.

How to do this:

  • Having come to a place of “hunting”, it is necessary to objectively assess the situation.
  • Watching everything that happens in a place where you are, it is possible to draw a conclusion about who is free and, possibly, craves for sex.
  • After finding a girl, don’t be always with her and take your time to take her number. You need to talk, move away, then talk and move back.
  • Don’t look at the dance floor. I understand that it is fascinating but not worth it. Otherwise, she may think you’re not interested in her.
  • Actively communicate with your friends and make new friends.
  • Be cheerful and always smile. Gloomy people are not in demand.
  • After some time, ask a girl to leave a place where you are. Say to her: “It’s getting boring here. Let’s go from here!” and confidently take her home.

By the way, if a woman wants a man, then she will search for “him” very actively. This can be traced when a girl will turn not only her head but also the upper part of her body. Women think that attentive men will notice this. Another point to pay attention to is active gesticulation and touching the other person’s palm during a conversation. As a rule, during a normal conversation, girls touch their fingertips. So, finding such a girl, try to analyze a situation by talking, not by hands. As a rule, those women who are well versed in fashion are educated, liberal in many views, and open to adventure. To check a particular girl, you can mention a friend who is obsessed with sex. The reaction of a woman to this delicate topic will be one – her pupils will dilate. The bigger her pupils, the more likely you will hear “yes”.

casual sex datingYou will understand who is suitable for the role of partner for a one-time intimacy in just half an hour. This will help you identify several potential girls. It is certainly not necessary to be afraid: many girls come to these places with a similar purpose. They know exactly where to find a partner for sex. Without any commitment, girls are ready to “have fun” no less than men. By the way, the fact that women are really ready for thoughtless deeds for the sake of sex has its own physiological justification. During ovulation, the desire for sex in girls becomes uncontrollable. For a free lady, it becomes the #1 goal to find a partner without obligations during this period.

How to prepare for sex?

Finally, it should be noted that if you are going to “hunt”, you need to prepare well:

1. Look nice. In this matter, it is also important not to overdo: it is not fashionable to come perfectly ironed and shaved. The illusion of “mama’s son” can scare a woman away. The notes of brutality and negligence fascinate girls.

2. Hygiene is above all. Take a shower, cut your nails, make an intimate haircut – this is a must for a date, the outcome of which is clear for both partners.

3. Money and auto. It is believed that you can attract a lady only with the help of expensive things. Many mistakenly believe that the presence of expensive watches or a classy car is the guarantee of the trouble-free behavior of girls. In fact, it is really possible to “buy” beautiful girls with the help of such things.

4. There is no need to walk with an inscription “I want a girl” on your forehead. You can always find someone for sex.

5. Don’t forget about contraception. No matter how nice a girl is, you can’t forget about precautionary measures in any case. A condom is able to protect from sexually transmitted diseases and it is also the prevention of unwanted pregnancy for a woman.

Sex dating online

Online dating and sex are normal things. One of the most popular places for meeting a person for one night is online dating sites. This method has many advantages: first, there is a very large selection for every taste and secondly, here everything is already set up for communication, flirting, and an acquaintance. In addition, the search takes place in the most comfortable environment – in a chair with a laptop on your legs. It is especially good for those who are over 50 and try sex dating. So, how to do it?

Choose free sex dating sites. Choosing dating sites just for sex as a way to find a potential partner, you need to create your own profile there. Of course, it is not necessary to note “sex for one night” as the “goal” if this is an ordinary dating site. When filling in a profile, show a little coquetry and a sense of humor. Carefully review profiles of all potential “one-time partners”, their photos, chat with them a little.

Add good photos. First of all, choose your most beautiful photos. Don’t want to post a photo? Then your chances of finding someone a little bit decent are zero. Women also want to see with whom they communicate. What if she doesn’t care who’s on the other side of a monitor? Then it is strange!

Tell your potential partner about sex. Talk about this and don’t be shy. If you don’t have a serious relationship in your plans, you can say so. By the way, on the special dating sites, everyone knows about it and is waiting for openness. Girls appreciate the willingness of men to accept criticism, so you need to listen to fears and pretend that you understand it all. A conversation can make adjustments and a compromise will be found. If you know a girl or a friend of a friend, she will feel more liberated. In addition, the more time you will spend on conversations on third-party topics, the better a girl will learn you and therefore, will trust in bed.

Initiate sex. If you are focused on the result, a girl has to be excited even through a monitor. One of the studies proves that conversation about physical sensations (taste, smell) switch the human brain to bodily desires. As soon as you see that a girl is bored and just silent after you finish your thought, then just ask her an intimate question. Thus, you will avoid a pause and give her to feel involved in a dialogue. It will be easier to get her. But you don’t have to flatter her in this conversation. For example, phrases such as “How beautiful you are, like an angel” will be doomed to failure. It is better to move smoothly closer to what you need: “At the moment, I don’t need any serious relationship. But it seemed to me that you wouldn’t judge me for truth and sincerity”. Thus, you can start sex dating online.

Best sex dating sites

online dating and sexThere are many dating sites and their audience is really huge. Every day 2-3 million users turn on a computer and go to dating sites in search of their soul mates. Many sites turn into social networks where people not just look through profiles and hope to get acquainted with someone but they communicate on forums, write podcasts, and so on. Such sites are large-scale communities that unite people by interests. And what if your interest is sex? You are not alone. Here are sex dating sites where you will find the same people as you:

1. Pure

Probably everyone heard about this site. This is one of the top sex dating sites. The mission of the site is to sexually satisfy this world. You only need to upload photos and have the desire to have sex with someone. You can’t communicate more than an hour. Also, you need to specify whether you will have sex at home or are ready to go somewhere for this. The site shows those who are not so far from you. By the way the site fights with unscrupulous users: if a person doesn’t post his/her photos or deceives somehow, then he/she can’t get access to the service.

2. Down

This site is very simple and many people already use it. The site shows your friends from a social network and you mark those with whom you don’t mind spending time. And if he/she also wants it, then you receive a notification. Hope you know what to do next.

3. Tinder

Tinder finds all the closest applicants who want to get acquainted. You need to log in through your account from a social network and enter the search parameters. After this, the site scans the nearest territory and you just choose the one with whom you want to have sex. The advantage of this site is that Tinder has more users than other similar dating sites. So, there are more chances to meet a person who wants sex and achieve the desired. The downside of this site is that many people use the service not to find a sex partner but just to meet new people or even to have fun – for example, to look at photos of people who look for a soul mate.

4. WouldLove 2

This one of the best sex dating apps works on the same principle as Down: choose a friend you like and maybe he/she will choose you. However, there is one big disadvantage: WouldLove 2 is not created for sex but for romantic dates. But who said that romantic dates don’t end in sex?

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