Online dating is becoming more popular every year. People from all over the world have got caught in the global web and begun to communicate less and less in real life. Of course, the classical methods of dating, on the streets, in stores, at work, in the subway, remain very relevant now. But online dating has surpassed the traditional methods of dating. The industry is gigantic, the issue of where to meet women online is not a problem at this point, there are thousands of different services online.

Undoubtedly, online dating is an important aspect of a lot of people from all over the world. But why is that? What is the reason for the sudden rise in popularity of online dating services and sites? Well, let’s discuss the benefits of online dating.

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Benefits of Meeting Women Online

Online dating is not a supernatural phenomenon, it has its problems, and we all have probably faced them at one point or another but think of all the downsides that real-life dating has. It is a lot more stressful; you have to waste a lot of time getting dressed, getting to an establishment, having human interactions and showing all the manifestations of your anxieties and fears. But let’s talk about something more positive, let’s talk about the benefits of online dating.

1. There is no need to worry about your appearance at the time of dating

Just imagine yourself putting on your best dress or your best shirt, you’ve spent a lot of money on, you are anxious and afraid of spoiling a date and your dress/shirt. You have to look fresh, not a single thing should spoil the first impression. But, as for online dating, you can be sitting in your underwear, drinking beer, and burping while not being anxious about the first impression that your appearance will make.

2. There is no need to respond instantly

There is an opportunity to think everything through. This is also quite important, just imagine spending a few minutes just thinking about a question that was asked by your partner and just sitting there being silent… How awkward would that be? Well, you can spend as much time as you like when it comes to online dating.

3. You can date multiple partners at the same time

Let’s say that you want to meet real women, will you be able to talk to multiple women at the same time? It is very much unlikely. But when it comes to online dating, there is virtually no limit to ongoing communications, there is no reason to spend all of your time and attention on one person.

4. You don't face any responsibilities

This is especially important for introverts who want to share something, express a thought or complain about something. It is just easier to communicate with people in this way. You can simply send a text message to a person and go about your things. Of course, some are offended by such actions, but is it rational to get annoyed by something like that? I don’t think it is.

5. Such communication can grow into a real friendship or love

Some people had not seen each other for years, and, right after their first meeting, immediately began to live together. Or they decided to just live in the same city, just as a way to be closer to each other.

Crucial Things to Remember

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Just like we’ve told you, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, there are some downsides and important things to remember about this type of dating. Sure, the following things are not the only aspects of online dating one should remember, we cannot predict your personal experience of using dating services, but these are crucial moments to having a great time dating women online.

Online Safety

If you want to meet a girl now, you have to use protection, both in real life and on the Internet. The dating industry is a very large market, and there are billions of dollars invested in it, thus, as with anything that brings profit to people, some individuals will try to use you for their gain. Be smart about the people you meet and don’t click on the links that you receive on online dating services. Google all the common ways people get scammed on online dating services, scammers come up with new schemes of fraud all the time, so be vigilant.


This is the best way to meet women online. Is there any reason to lie to a person you are communicating with? Well, if we are talking about your data and credit card information – yeah, there probably is. But when it comes to actual communication and expressing yourself, showing your traits of character, and interests in life, is there any reason to put on a mask and pretend to be someone else? Well, if your goal is to just lure someone into having sex – maybe there is, but it is not that effective to pretend to be someone else as just being yourself. It is always easier to stay true to yourself than to pretend to be better than you truly are.


Here’s yet another important thing you should remember if you want to find single women online. The factor of being honest doesn’t mean that you should be dull, it means that there is no reason to not allow your personality to shine, it will work wonders for your dating experience, it will make you stand out from the crowd of people that look virtually the same. There is no reason to act like a clown, but there is also no reason to show all of the character and charisma that you’ve got. Let’s now talk about how to find women online.

How to Meet Women Online

As you can see, there are quite a few nuances to master to ensure the best quality dating experiences for yourself. We’ve already discussed the benefits of using online dating services, the crucial things that should be remembered, and now let’s get into the meat of the process. Let’s talk about the most important thing that you came here for, "How to meet women online?"

1. The first thing you should remember is that cheesy pick-up lines are the worst. Like, think of all the dumb ways a man can start a conversation with a woman, think of all the instances when pick-up lines were made fun of on the media. This is not just a coincidence, there is a reason for that. If a man starts a conversation with some generic pick up line that he got from his friend or some list of phrases online – this sounds the alarm off to a woman that has to deal with that guy. This guy just wants to get into my pants.

2. Don’t drag out your online communication. Women are very much concerned with many things and nuances about relationships, they tend to overanalyze things from time to time, but one thing remains clear, a man should not drag out online communication with a woman. Put yourself into her shoes, if she is interested in you, why is she dragging it out, why doesn’t she want to meet in real life? Are you just wasting your time? Why bother?

3. Don’t be too original. Now, before you get confused because of our earlier statement that you have to be original in online dating, consider the following – being too original and coming up with lots of “gimmicks” for yourself will not do you any good. You are not an actor, you are not performing as someone else, there is no reason to go to extreme lengths and adopt a certain character that you will pull out for online dating.

4. Utilize the passions of a person you are communicating with. Now, this means that, let’s say if a person is interested in golf and they have quite a few photos that indicate that – comment on that hobby, make them a compliment associated with that hobby, tell them that you think highly of this or that activity. A thing to consider here is that such compliments and remarks should be fitting. Wouldn’t it come off weird if you told a person that you love office workers and working 9 to 5? It would.

5. Don’t focus on the same thing in your profile pics. How to meet women online? Don’t stick to just one “gimmick” in your profile, show how diverse you are. There is no reason to overload your profile with all sorts of random pics with you and your cat, you and a soccer ball, you on a music concert, and you with your granny. But a thing that you should remember is that people get attracted to individuals that share their passions and interests. Now that we know how to find women online, let’s look into the art of pickup lines.

Pick-Up Lines to Meet Ladies Online

As we’ve already said, there are some very awful ways to start communication with a woman, the cornier and cheesier you are with the first impression you make – the less likely it is that your relationship will develop into anything meaningful. But what should you know about pickup lines to make yourself great at meeting women online?

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Be thoughtful

If a person likes to travel and you’ve seen a photo of them in a country that you also visited in the past – comment on that country, express your opinion.

“What was Japan like? I thought that their local cuisine was just tremendous, I would like to visit it soon.”

“You’ve been to Italy? I’ve heard so many great things about it, but I’ve never had the pleasure of actually visiting this country. What can you tell me about it?”

Know how to get a person interested in you as an individual

Sure, people love to talk about themselves, but they also love to encounter interesting individuals that look “alive.”

“Hi, I work at Google as a data scientist and I also have my blog that is dedicated to winemaking. What about you?”

Show your genuine interest in a person

“I’ve looked through your photos and it feels like you are a big sports fan. Are you passionate about sports? Is it just your hobby or are you more serious about it?”

Topics to discuss with a girl online

As we’ve said already, it is important to get a person interested in your personality or your story. So, the first thing you can discuss is your passions and the thing you love. If they seem intriguing to you – you should not bombard a person with information at first and elaborate on these things later on.

Let her speak and give her opinions on everything that you discuss

Don’t let it be a one-sided conversation, no one likes being ignored or being bombarded with useless information they cannot possibly comprehend.

Talk about the happiest moments of your life

Talk about your childhood memories and maybe, just maybe, you will tap into some of the same feelings from your partner. We all love nostalgia and thinking about the best times of our pasts.

Goals and fantasies

There is no reason to be overly ambitious and childish with your goals. You should feel like a human and be humble about the things you seek in life; talk about the things you love and describe the ways you try to achieve them.

Food, pets, music, cinema, arts

We’ve pilled them up into one category as they are virtually the same when it comes to online communication. You will probably be able to find at least some common ground with a woman you are communicating with on at least one of these topics. Especially pets, everyone likes pets.

Final Thoughts

Online dating is fun, but there are quite a few things one should remember to make it work and not to just waste your time. There are some undeniable benefits of online dating, it is convenient, it is easy, there are no obligations and commitments. The issue of where to find women is non-existent, the opportunities are virtually endless. You should not forget about own safety, there are dating scammers and frauds that you may encounter on your way. Be original and creative yet stay honest to yourself and your partner. Know how to communicate with a woman, don’t be corny, and treat her with respect, she will most likely answer in kind.

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