Young ladies over 20 are an amazing mix of self-confidence and shyness, youth and some kind of maturity. They don’t know exactly what they want, but they are sure that everything will be perfect. This age is intended for different experiments with hairstyle, wardrobe, and personal life. They are not so rebellious as in their 14 but are still with hot blood. So, who are they and how you can succeed in Russian girls dating?


What are the main peculiarities of 20-something girls?

At this age, the most important question reaching its culmination in the head is – what to do next? A situation that cannot be controlled takes you out of the comfort zone and causes panic. What are you going to do after the university? What are you going to do with your career? What are you going to do with your life?

Finding answers

Girls over 20 search for answers to these questions, but cannot find them. The only finding of this period is that it is absolutely normal not to know what she wants to do in the future.

Doing everything she likes

She tries everything she likes. She likes writing, so she writes. She loves music, so she plays it. She certainly likes to take photos, so she takes pictures and selfies. In her 20’s, she is sure that something else will appear very soon and she will do that, too. 20 years is the ideal age to start trying everything new and find her own. The experience gradually draws the picture of life's path.

Moving forward

Young girls are sure that at this age the whole world is at their feet. The modern generation cannot afford the luxury of doing nothing before 30's. 20’s is new 30’s. She does not have time for idleness. Pressure from the society serves as an excellent catalyst for moving forward.

Launching a career

After graduating from the university or college, Russian ladies start looking for a good job that can bring both excellent incomes and moral satisfaction. Adult life requires big financial recourses that can cover the overwhelming expenses. Having been made to choose the wrong profession, girls dream about getting a new one, working and studying at the same time. One of the most important things is a career promotion without which it would be difficult to get inspiration and self-satisfaction. Also, potential colleagues and the employer play not the last role for the young girls looking for the best working place.


Facing challenges

Day after day the same thought occurs, "I feel that I'm missing something". She is so afraid of this feeling and tries to do much more than she has done before. It's complicated. It is difficult to convince her parents to let her go to study wherever she wants, to build her own life, and find the one and only.

Enjoying life

 Freedom is the only reason to leave so warm and cozy parents’ house and go on an exciting trip that people call “adult life”. Russian girls try to enjoy their freedom to the fullest before getting married and becoming a mother. They try to do their best developing themselves, taking different courses at their leisure, making and visiting parties with friends and just living by their own rules and according to their inner drive.

How to attract a 20-year-old-girl?

Emotional connection

Dating girls in their 20's need a caring man who will be with her when she needs him. This man should be ready to take an interest in her and take care of her. Women want to be respected, listened to and need emotional contact with the man. Your task is to be understanding and this can be achieved by asking questions. If your girl complains about her best friend, do not offer her a ready solution, do not joke and do not take the problem as insignificant. Ask questions about her feelings and what it all means to her. It is necessary to show true interest, to try to understand why it is so important for her.

Look up to Superman

Some non-verbal men’s tricks increase the probability that young pretty girls will choose them. Men who attract women’s attention usually show their dominance in social situations stretching their legs, throwing their hands on the back of a chair or otherwise claiming the right to occupy the space. In addition, successful men know the power of eye-contact. This means that they make eye contact with women and smile a lot. Attractive men rarely sit or stand in closed positions (the ones when you put your arms around yourself like a schoolboy being scolded). If you are in a group of people, you will not be perceived as the dominant person standing with your arms folded.

Remember Clark Kent/ Superman. Clark Kent showed nervousness: stammered, fussed, mumbled and as a result, the girl didn’t like him. And as Superman, he behaved in a confident way, took up a large space, and fought with the bad guys without hesitation. Dating young girls you should know that they are looking for a Hero. Follow Superman’s example.

Be her personal Conqueror

If you are thinking of dating a young girl, show that you are single-minded and assertive men. Gils like to feel man’s power and feel protected. It should be you who’ll take a really important decision in the right way and just let her be a lovely girl who is defenseless without you. Sexy young girls like to be conquered by the men they like too. They like courtship with flowers, cute gifts, moonlight walks and trips with funny and pleasant adventures. But don’t put any pressure on her if she really doesn’t want to continue your relationship.


Make compliments

She is a real beauty with a soft skin, wonderful eyes and amazing body – tell her about that. Yes, she already knows about all her strong sides and constantly works to make them even better, but it is you who should make compliments because all of that is made to attract your attention. Nothing hurts a woman deeper than criticism towards her appearance. Dream man does not allow himself that. Have a good sense of humor, smile sincerely, be cheerful and you’ll attract any girl!

Watch your appearance

Do you remember how you dressed dating in your 20's? You surely were cool and sexy, wearing fashion outfits. Now you should try to be handsome and sexy, carefully choosing your attire. Make sure your clothes are well-fitting, use deodorant and good toilet water, and get a stylish haircut.

What do Russian 20-something girls seek in men?

Dating in 20's, girls don’t have a great negative experience that can be taken to a new relationship; they are not yet spoiled by life. They are like a blank canvas on which you can draw your own picture.

She has wonderful vital energy that is contagious. She wants to get some feedback that will prove her efforts weren’t in vain. She is looking for a “strong shoulder”, mutual love, and respect. For many of them, it will be their first serious dating experience and relationship.

Women too often sacrifice their dreams for the sake of their family and relationships or simply because their dreams are not given the proper value, especially if they are not related to the status of a wife or a mother. But every person's dreams are important. Your dreams are important. And hers, too.

The duration and success of relationships depend on how much you respect the goals of each other.

Every man wants to be with a happy and vivacious woman. If you do not know what she dreams about, ask her, and move mountains (if necessary) to help her fulfill her aspirations.

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